Company Profile
Company Profile
Fareast Finance & Investment Limited (FFIL) was incorporated in Bangladesh as a public limited company with limited liability on June 21, 2001 under The Companies Act, 1994. The company commenced its business in Bangladesh as per Certificate of Commencement on the same date. Subsequently the company took license from Bangladesh Bank as a Non-Banking Financial Institution under The Financial Institutions Act, 1993 to operate as a leasing and financing company as provided under the relevant Law.
Fareast Finance & Investment Limited-a leasing and financing company started its business in the early 2002 to serve its clients with high ethical standards and accountability. Fareast believes that each of its activities must provide satisfaction to its customers and will start progress for them.
Fareast management feels for what its clients feel to make their life style more comfortable, convenient and peaceful. To come closer to the feeling, Fareast do not believe to restrict their ideas and new thinking.